November 12, 2007


It's time to make Helleborus sketches again! I love these wonderful flowers. They bloom in winter, from November until March and they have such beautiful blossoms... Yesterday, I bought one in the supermarket around the corner. I will plant them on the balcony, in midst of my white Calluna...

Es ist wieder an der Zeit, Christrosen-Skizzen zu machen. Ich liebe diese wunderbaren Blumen. Sie blühen mitten im Winter, von November bis März, und sie haben so wundervolle Blüten...Gestern kaufte ich welche im Supermarkt um die Ecke. Ich werde sie auf dem Balkon in die Mitte meiner weißen Besenheide pflanzen...


Lin said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! I LOVE the background too!

mARTa said...

The boldness and intensity of the color contrast beautifully with the delicacy of the blossom!!! I love when art like this happens!!! Or did you plan it that way?

Anonymous said...

your Hellebore is beautiful MArta says...the delicacy and intensity contrast is lovely! they are one of my favorie flowers too and I can't wait to have mine flowering!