September 25, 2007

Cycling Tour

The weather was excellent on Friday. So we made a short cycling tour through the "English Garden" into the town. People were cycling, walking and having picnics everywhere. A woman was resting in a hammock, reading a book. I could not sketch; I had no
material with me. So I did the sketch afterwards from memory. And I tried not to forget to add the woman in the hammock because it was such a peaceful scenery when she laid there...

Das Wetter war wunderbar am Freitag. Wir machten eine kurze Fahrradtour durch den Englischen Garten in die Stadt. Viele Leute fuhren Rad, gingen spazieren oder machten Picknick. Eine Frau lag in einer Hängematte und las ein Buch. Ich konnte nicht skizzieren; ich hatte nichts zum Zeichnen dabei. So mußte ich die ganze Szene hinterher aus dem Gedächtnis malen. Ich wollte auf keinen Fall vergessen, die Frau in der Hängematte ins Bild zu fügen, weil das eine solch friedliche Szene war, als sie so da lag und las...


Jenny said...

Your scene is very charming, quiet, and interesting. Such a nice memory of a pleasant day.

Laureline said...

You certainly captured that late September light very well. I admire your being able to draw and paint from memory. That is something I cannot do. This is a charming sketch, Claudia.

mARTa said...

I immediately placed myself in your picture! I am on the bike and I can feel the crisp air as I cycle past those enjoying the park! You do such wonderful work. I so enjoy it!