August 5, 2008

Alley with Trees

Near the Baltic Sea in Germany, you find many kilometres of streets like this one. They seem to be green tunnels and if you drive on a hot summer day, it is quite pleasant to use these kind of streets...

Nahe der Ostsee gibt es in Deutschland viele Kilometer dieser Alleenstraßen. Sie erscheinen wie grüne Tunnel und wenn man an einem heißen Sommertag im Auto unterwegs ist, ist es sehr angenehm, diese Art von Straßen zu benutzen...


sukipoet said...

Your trees are lovely. This path through them almost of an other era. The horse and buggy era. The view reminds me too of paintings of the French countryside with arches of trees.

Judybec said...

This has got to be my all time favorite!!! Beautiful!