It was really hot yesterday. I decided to go to a cafe to sketch people and had a b i g cup of joghurt icecream with fresh fruits and whipped cream and afterwards I had a b i g strawberry smoothie...This was my dinner, though...
Gestern war es wirklich heiß. Ich ging in ein Cafe, um Leute zu zeichnen und bestellte einen g r o ß e n Joghurteisbecher mit frischen Früchten und Schlagsahne...und danach eine g r o ß e Erdbeermilch...Das war allerdings dann mein Abendessen...
Now THAT is the kind of dinner I love!! Good for you! And the sketch is terrific too! People are so challenging! But you did beautifully!
Beautiful sketch and wonderful flavors! What a wonderful afternoon.
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