April 3, 2010

I painted with my new acrylic paints from Golden. They are called "Golden open acrylics" and stay wet about three days. It is a real pleasure to paint with them, because they don't smell at all, but they are so soft and well to use.
Ich malte mit meinen neuen Acrylfarben von "Golden". Sie heißen "Golden open acrylics" und bleiben bis zu drei Tage feucht und vermalbar. Es macht wirklich Spaß, mit ihnen zu arbeiten, sie sind sehr geschmeidig und gut zu benutzen.

Happy Easter/Frohe Ostern!


Britt Arnhild said...

Happy Easter, god påske Claudia.

sukipoet said...

I didnt know about these acrylics that stay wet. i like that and willhave to try them. love thepainting of the house in previous post. have a peaceful holiday.

Joan Sandford-Cook said...

Anita and I have been using a similar acrylic product that can be enlivened with a spray of water so that you can continue to blend them. They are called Atelier Interactivie by the Chroma company. Much better to use - more similar to oils are'nt they?
Hope you are currently enjoying your Easter weekend.