March 18, 2010


It seems that spring has finally arrived...
Es scheint, als ob der Frühling gekommen wäre...
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Joan Sandford-Cook said...

This bright little crocus sketch makes me want to get out into the garden to start my garden sketchbook off again for this year, as I have neglected it of late.
Had a stroll through your lovely sketchbooks on the blog roll. Most colourful and diverse. Love to know how to achieve this for some of my sketchbooks, rather than have them just languishing in my artroom cupboard!!

Alison said...

Oh, nice to see you back, Claudia - I have tried to google a suitable view for the virtual paintout but have yet to find a worthy place. Not much time at the moment anyway, but I think it's a great idea and would be fun to participate. Here I am enjoying my autumn crocusses and getting the winter vegetables underway.