September 5, 2009

Dear friends,
due to workload and problems of time, I will temporarily refrain from posting and from visiting your blogs and websites. In the meantime, keep up the good work! See you all again soon!

Liebe Freunde,
aufgrund vieler Arbeit und eines daraus resultierenden Zeitproblems werde ich zeitweilig keine neuen Beiträge hier posten und auch Eure Blogs und Websites nicht besuchen können.Ihr macht in der Zwischenzeit bitte so schön weiter wie bisher!
Bis bald!



Joan Sandford-Cook said...

Will be sad not to see your lovely posts but look forward to your return. Every good wish in your busy life.

ellie said...

Take care Claudia and don't work too hard ! Look forward to catching up later.

Mia said...

Dear Claudia, you have been gone for a long time now. Hope all is well with you. I miss your lovely comments in my blog. And no Norway this december for you...?

Joan Sandford-Cook said...

Its now into the New Year - are you likely to be back with us soon??