January 20, 2008


This is a watercolour which I "composed" from a picture I took in Crete and a women whom I added later to generate a certain mood...

Dieses Bild "komponierte" ich aus einem Photo, das ich in Kreta gemacht hatte, und einer Frau, die ich später hinzufügte, um eine gewisse Stimmung zu erzeugen...


Anita Davies said...

You certainly managed the 'mood' this is such a peaceful work...Truly beautiful!

RH Carpenter said...

Lovely painting and it does have a definite "mood" to it :)

Teri said...

Claudia, what a beauty!! Peaceful and serene. I love the contemplative figure in here.

Anonymous said...

Es erinnert mich so ein bißchen an die Werke Caspar David Friedrichs... vor allem an das eine, wie hieß es doch gleich nochmal, ich glaube es heißt "Mönch am Meer". War das beabsichtigt? :)
Ein schönes Bild.

Anonymous said...

This is a great work, Claudia and as everybody had already said, filled with mood. To me it looks like it is raining on the horizon, which is what the woman is looking at.

Sandy said...

Absolutely dreamy I could stare at this for hours.