August 2, 2007

Bunch of flowers

I made a bunch of flowers for my kitchen table of what I found in my garden: Malvas, Lavender, a white bellflower and a sort of Hawkweed. I like to combine garden flowers with herbs and weeds. The bunch looks nice and natural.

Für meinen Küchentisch habe ich einen Blumenstrauß aus dem Garten geholt; und zwar mit Blumen, die im Moment noch blühen: Malven, Lavendel, eine weiße Glockenblume und eine Art von Habichtskraut. Ich liebe es, Gartenblumen mit Wildblumen und sogar Unkräutern zu einem Strauß zusammen zu stellen. So schaut es schön und natürlich aus.


Mia said...

Your bunch of flowers is just lovely. I am sure your garden is equally lovely, where you have picked the flowers and herbs.

Joan Y said...

When I first saw this painting, I thought it was a reproduction from an old master! The flowers are beautifully done and arranged. Botanical illustrations are close to my heart so thank you for sharing your artwork! Lovely!

molly jean said...

I agree with joan y. It looks like an old botanical illustration, a style I love!

K said...

Nice and natural, and lovely!!